TNG Hamlin

The cosmic odyssey of Star Trek has always been akin to a melody of imagination, where each note resonates with the mysteries of the unknown. Recently, this melody led me to the pages of Star Trek: The Next Generation – Children of Hamlin by Carmen Carter. The narrative, rich with subterfuge and moral conundrums, played a tune that lingered in my head long after the last page was turned.

Children of Hamlin finds the Enterprise caught in the middle of a strange diplomatic mission involving the UFP and a sinister alien race, the Choraii. These aliens have left a haunting legacy and it us up to Captain Picard and the crew to delve into the abyss of the past and confront a moral maze that challenges the essence of humanity and the principles of the Federation.

Children of Hamlin is a tale that deftly blends the melancholy of lost innocence with the cold, hard reality of a universe that often operates in shades of gray. The narrative fabric is woven with threads of deceit, compassion, and the inherent hope that defines the human spirit. The central plot revolves around the Choraii’s vicious attack on a UFP settlement, Hamlin, in which they killed all adults and abducted the children. Though sentiment within amongst many of the crew is that these aliens should be destroyed, or at least not dealt with, it is the UFP itself that places the Enterprise in the ongoing negotiations.

The notion that the Choraii killed humans but spared the children struck a chord. It’s a grim reminder of the wild yet eerily human-like tendency to protect the innocent while confronting the perceived threats, akin to sparing the cubs while challenging the adult wolf. This moral dichotomy, explored within the cosmic setting, provided food for thought on the nature of fear, hostility, and the shimmer of hope that prevails amidst despair.

Additionally the subterfuge surrounding Ruthe’s background added layers of intrigue that kept the pages turning, each revelation a step deeper into the labyrinth of a haunting past. The duality of innocence and malevolence exhibited by the Choraii is a poignant reflection of the complex moral spectrum that Star Trek often navigates. The twist that she is, in fact, a child of Hamlin and her choice to return delved into a very interesting stockholm realm. Also, for some odd reason, I keept imaginging she looked like Merrin from Jedi Survivor ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Apart from that bit of personal dissonance Carmen Carter crafts a narrative that is as engaging as it is thoughtful, with the Enterprise serving as both a vessel of exploration and a crucible of moral discernment. The characters we’ve come to admire are put to the test, their ideals clashing with the harsh truths of a universe where black and white often dissolve into a sea of gray. Next up, Survivors